Where To Buy
Retail and Shows
Retail Gallery/Stores
Gallery 104
Portage Hill Gallery
Vendor Shows
Art By The Falls Chagrin Falls, OH June 9 - 10 https://www.valleyartcenter.org/abf.html
Art In The Wilds Kane, PA June 23 - 24 http://www.artinthewilds.org/
Kinsey Vintage Market Pittsburgh, PA June 30 (acceptance pending)
Crafts Alliance Chautauqua Institution Fredonia, NY July 13-15 https://www.craftsalliance.com/
Wild America Panama Rocks, NY July 28-29 https://www.wildamericafest.com/
Pocono State Craft Festival Stroudsburg, PA Aug. 25-26 http://www.poconocrafts.com/
Black Swamp Arts Festival Bowling Green, OH Sept. 7-9 http://www.blackswampfest.org/
Artsfest @ Annmarie Gardens Solomons Island, MD Sept. 15-16 http://www.annmariegarden.org/annmarie2/sites/default/files/Artsfest_header18_WEB_CC.jpg
New Hope Arts & Craft Festival New Hope, PA Sept. 29-30 http://www.newhopeartsandcrafts.com/
Applefest Franklin, PA Oct. 5-7 (application pending)
Peak N Peek Fall Festival Clymer, NY Oct. 13-14 (application pending) https://www.pknpk.com/activities/fallfest/
Art @ The Park Annapolis, MD Oct. 20th https://www.facebook.com/ArtAtThePark/
Check back for more dates!!